Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Conclusion

Many Protestants will try to claim that the teaching of the apostles was that of Sola Scriptura, that the Bible is all one needs for salvation. But the writings of the Bible, the canon, was not even defined until the Council of Rome in 382, the Council of Hippo in 393 and the Council of Carthage in 397.

Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Part 5

If the Apostles wanted to leave as their legacy that after they all died out that Christians were supposed to practice the doctrine of “Scripture Alone”, shouldn’t they have at least left a list telling Christians in the years to come, which books and letters were in fact “scripture?” The evidence shows, they didn’t because they didn’t even have a concept of so-called “scripture alone.” The Early Church still did not yet have the New Testament in complete written form. The Church was teaching the Gospel, not delivering “bibles.”

Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Part 4

If the Apostles wanted to leave as their legacy that after they all died out that Christians were supposed to practice the doctrine of “Scripture Alone”, shouldn’t they have at least left a list telling Christians in the years to come, which books and letters were in fact “scripture?” The evidence shows, they didn’t because they didn’t even have a concept of so-called “scripture alone.” The Early Church still did not yet have the New Testament in complete written form. The Church was teaching the Gospel, not delivering “bibles.”

Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Part 3

Most Protestants perceive that when the Catholic Church speaks of the oral, teaching Tradition (with a capital “T”) that the Church is somehow placing the “Church” over and above scripture. They seem to think that the Church circumvents scripture and changes doctrine as it pleases. But this is far from the Truth. The oral, teaching Tradition of the Church and the Scriptures are equal in authority and one depends upon the other.

Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Part 2

Anyone who wants to take the time to investigate can find, that the New Testament was simply not just written down in one session, printed, bound, and sent out to every church, much less to every person. It was a process that took time, and needed a outside entity to guide its development. There is no evidence anywhere to suggest that the Early Church believed in Scripture Alone, but much evidence of the existence of a teaching Church with authority and hierarchy, guided and protected by the Holy Spirit, that is in place to keep believers faithful to the True teachings of Christ…just as it has for 2000 years!

Scripture Alone?…from the beginning, it was not so! – Part 1

Some protestants try to prove that the practice of Scripture Alone was taught and practiced by the early church. What is interesting is that I have read some arguments that try to say “Initially the apostles taught orally, but with the close of the apostolic age, all special revelation that God wanted preserved for man…

1st Tobacco Review: Dunhill London Mixture

This is my first tobacco review and is a new part of this blog. Since this Blog is called The Pint, The Pipe and The Cross, I thought it would be nice to include some pints and pipes. In The Pipe category on this blog I will talk about pipe smoking, pipes, tobacco and how…

Atonement: How does Christ Save Us?

The Cross was the best way to redeem us because it also showed in its immensity just how much God’s love for us actually is and thereby should ignite in us a love for Him in return.

The Atonement and Redemption

There is some confusion today as to how the redemption produces its effect. It is not enough to say that Jesus redeemed us by dying, or even that He was obedient. These are of course true but we must penetrate much more deeply to come to fully understand the truth. In effect only Jesus could repair the damage that had been done to the relationship between God and man by the sin of Adam.